Saturday, 16 January 2016

Homeschool starts!!! :-)

We have officially survived our 1st week of homeschooling!

Actually, we had a really really good time, despite having record high temperatures.
We started school 2 weeks early because we will not be sticking to the usual school terms. Seeing that going away on a holiday during school holidays is a complete nightmare  with escalated prices and overcrowding, we decided to our school year into 4 weeks on and 1 week off. This will also give me the much needed time to plan ahead and reserve books at the library if needed.

Here is a brief overview of what the boys have been up to this week.

Of course we have Math and English everyday. The boys so far seem to enjoy the new "hands on approach to learning"

They have actually asked me one evening if they could "play" more math games on the computer!!! Ha ha ha school MUST suck!


1. In the 1st lesson we learned about the meaning of history and how historians get their information. The boys created a example of their live history - a family tree.

History lesson 2 We learned about archaeology.  Who Archaeologist are and what finding artifacts tells us about the people that lived there.

Two days prior, Claudio and I spent 2 hour burring treasures in the ground for the boys to dig up! It was all worth it, the kids though it was awesome and spent hours and hours making discoveries.

We buried wooden plates, silverware, forks and spooks, jewelry and tools that I picked up at a second hand shop.

In Science we learned about light, about how light reflects of items making it possible for us to see.
Our Science curriculum is fantastic and every lesson has hands on experiments.

Here are the boys light and reflection Science Journals.

On the second lesson we learned about how light enables us to see colours. We studied the colours of the spectrum.

Geography was all about the earth, how people 1st discovered that it was round and the meaning of the word Horizon. We had loads of laughs sending explorers off the edge of the table (if the world was flat) and sending surprised explorers around the world only to return back home.

Later on in the week we learned about the Equator and prime meridian.

We took a field trip to Mt Cootha to show the boys the Horizon.

 During our picnic on the mountain top we had a little visitor. :-)

 Phew it was hot!!! But we had a perfect ending to our school day!

Friday we have Nature Studies, boys were very keen to learn about insects.

We covered what traits make a insect, body parts of a insect and the life cycle of a ladybug.
They boys then spend the rest of the morning hunting the garden for different insect and studying them in their bug viewer. (a jar with a magnifying glass)

These are their Nature Study Journals.

 The week was great! I had a chat to the boys on Saturday in the car. "Boys what did you learn this week? Do you remember anything?" 

With excitement they started shouting back at me all the information I was hoping they would remember. (at school the usual answer was "I can't remember" or "I don't know") By their response I know we are on the right track :-)

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